Mark Zuckburg, the founder of Facebook has apparently been stalked on facebook by a man named Pradeep Manukonda, he now has a restraining order against him.
12 Feb 2011
News: Zuckerburg Stalked on his own website
Posted by Daniel Healy on 15:33
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Mark Zuckburg, the founder of Facebook has apparently been stalked on facebook by a man named Pradeep Manukonda, he now has a restraining order against him.
Epic fail by Zuckerburg
that is hilarious. why would you stalk him. not a celebrity imo
haha this is funny because i hate Zuckerburg.
hahaha, probably made him question his invention
well considering he has an insane amount of money now you would think he could just pay off some judges and have him arrested
It had to happen sooner or later...
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